It has been proposed to convert the 200 MeV S-band electron linac CALIFES, currently being part of the CTF3, into a new general stand alone electron beam facility at CERN.
To establish the interest from users a three day workshop was held at CERN on October 10-12 2016. The workshop was a success; more than 90 participants from different laboratories and different research field came to present their ideas and wishes for how to use the CALIFES beam.
Examples include beam instrumentation development, THz-research, impedance studies and high-gradient research, including novel technologies like dielectrics and plasmas. Many users expressed interest in commencing experiments as soon as possible.
A workshop report is being prepared for the CERN management, who will take the final decision of establishing this test facility at CERN around the turn of the year. After a vote the name CLEAR - "CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research" - was proposed for the new test facility. See workshop pages.