CLIC parameters and design

CLIC parameters and design

The CLIC beam physics team is active at many different levels within the CLIC Study: parameters definition, lattice design, performance optimization, assessment of imperfections and mitigation strategies, failure-modes, are some of the studies provided by the CLIC beam physics team. These studies are performed in close synergy with the technical teams developing the innovative hardware solutions envisaged for CLIC.

In recent years, experimental validation of models and techniques have also taken place, at facilities like FACET at SLAC, Fermi @ Elettra, and ATF2 at KEK. Major recent activities have included: the CLIC rebaselining process, where the entire CLIC design has been stretched to optimally match the physics requirements following up the first LHC run and the Higgs boson discovery.

The CLIC Beam Physics team is also sharing its expertise with third-parties in order to foster the transfer of CLIC technology to various projects. One recent example includes spreading the CLIC-like high-gradient acceleration to medical facilities for hadron therapy, such as the TULIP project. On a larger scale, CLIC is actively taking part in an international effort aimed at designing an FEL machine based on X-band technology, for both soft and hard X-ray production. Such a machine would be compact, efficient, and extremely cost effective.

Development and maintenance of some major codes in use within the linear collider community:

  • the tracking code PLACET
  • the beam-beam code GUINEA-PIG
Codes page                             


CLIC PD Indico page

       List of work packages CLIC-PD
CLIC Beam Physics meetings      
CLIC X-band FEL parameters meetings      

Recent publications and talks:


Experimental Validation of a Novel Compact Focusing Scheme for Future Energy-Frontier Linear Lepton Colliders by G.R. White et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 112:034802, 2014

Mitigation of ground motion effects in linear accelerators via feed- forward control by J. Pfingstner et al., Phys. Rev. ST AB, 17:122801, 2014

Experimental demonstration of a global dispersion-free steering correction at FACET by A. Latina et al., Phys. Rev. ST AB, 17:042803, 2014

Plans for an Australian XFEL Using a CLIC X-band Linac by M.Boland et al., IPAC14

Conceptual Design of a X-FEL Facility using CLIC X-band Accelerating Structure by Avni Aksoy et al., IPAC14


       Our partners

International Linear Collider Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests

Asian Regional Team for Linear Collider Accelerator Development ATF2

FERMI @ Elettra